End of March Madness

Welcome To The Street

Good morning, you! I trust you've had your coffee and are ready to tackle the week ahead. Welcome to your weekly shift briefing.

sander hoogendoorn love GIF by BNNVARA


“I don’t play no games with them. If you gonna do the crime, you gonna do the time – plain and simple,”

The mother who turned her sons in to the police

Officer Down

This week we lost 3 officers in the line of duty.

Gear of The Week

This has been a lifesaver for keeping my vest accessible and looking sharp. I used to stash mine at the top of the closet to keep it away from the kids, but that just wore it down over time.

With this hanger, no more wear and tear – plus, it's way more affordable than those fancy $200-$300 equipment organizers. Trust me, it's a small investment for big convenience. Click here to check it out and see for yourself!

Tip of The Week: Watch for Brake Lights

“When making a traffic stop, watch for brake lights before making your approach”

Look for the brake lights. This car drove off before the trooper could approach. (Click to Watch)

  • Noticing brake lights while conducting a traffic stop should raise red flags in your mind.

    • Anticipate the possibility of the driver attempting to flee. This scenario has occurred multiple times, as depicted above.

  • Pro Tips:

    • While approaching the vehicle, verbally instruct the driver to remove their foot from the brake and place their hands on the steering wheel.

    • Day shift

      • If there is no window tint, ensure that the driver keeps their hands on the steering wheel and their foot off the brake during your approach.

      • If there is window tint, request that the driver roll down the windows to allow for visibility inside the vehicle.

    • Night Shift

      • After instructing the driver to remove their foot from the brake, utilize the cover of darkness to switch sides and approach from the opposite side of the vehicle

Case Law Review

In Minnesota v. Dickerson, the U.S. Supreme Court established the "plain feel" doctrine, which allows officers to seize evidence during a pat-down if:

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Read up on our Case Law Review of Minnesota v. Dickerson here.


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